it is a beautiful fall on the Salish Sea

a dahlia as big as my head

a dahlia as big as my head

I do not know the names of the types of dahlias I have

I do not know the names of the types of dahlias I have


there are mushrooms growing with the lettuce

there are mushrooms growing with the lettuce

white one

white one

3 year olds do not need stems on flowers

3 year olds do not need stems on flowers

dahlias and rolled up pants! :)

dahlias and rolled up pants! 🙂

looking for seeds

looking for seeds

lots of nasturtiums left

lots of nasturtiums left

tasty garden snack

tasty garden snack

how crazy to find a ripe strawberry in October?

how crazy to find a ripe strawberry in October?

this from a grab bag of dahlias I had no idea I was getting it pretty huh?

this from a grab bag of dahlias I had no idea I was getting it pretty huh?

tiny shedding maple

tiny shedding maple

this is a beautiful honey suckle gift from a sweet Drake Maiden friend

this is a beautiful honey suckle gift from a sweet Drake Maiden friend



Published in: on October 24, 2009 at 8:44 pm  Comments (2)  

I am proud of us and thrilled with the fact President Obama Won the Nobel Peace Prize

Here when a monumental award is offered to  and accepted by the president our country ..all I hear on the news is doubt that he has earned it?

News black outs are a good idea  for your own sanity.  People are nuts and the media in general feeds on it to the point of insanity ..Y2K?  H1N1? People are even gearing up against the government thinking they are going to be forced to be vaccinated against thier will?

This all validates my desire to be a hermit avoid people who disagree with me …not because I do not want to learn ..because I do ..I want more than anything to undestand how on earth people get Socialist from the Obama adminsitration…I am very community oriented and believe I am one small part of a whole picture and how I behave, vote and act on issues of the community ..does indeed affect the WHOLE….I do not have to speak out loud or argue my issues of community caring and animal rights,  quality of life/end of life  and healthcare in the US …and I can  ignore the panic, paranoia and insanity of folks who think we are giving more power to the governement or forcing people to do things they do not believe in ..or to even understand the fear  of this man as our leader????

…well let me remind the few who did not vote for Obama..he won by a landslide and if that is not proof enough that he had the smarts and ability to run this country or even that his history and potential do not allow for them the high honor of the Nobel Peace Prize ..well to you few I am sorry …but he does deserve this and I am so very proud he is given this honor!

 Right now he is the best choice to leading us ..the rest of the world is begining to actually “like” us a little again.

I will admit my blood ran cold when Sarah Palin was choosen as a running mate by the Republican party ..OMG you guys so would have had a chance if you had choosen Olympia Snowe!  Talk about a woman with the desire to get things done! So I tried ..I read about her  (Sarah Palin) I studied her, asked questions of her followers ..from guys I got “she’s cute!” from women “she represents our values” but no logical answers …. and for me  the more I read the more afriad I was!

So here I am this morning and stupidly turned on the news ..rather than us celebrating on Sunday morning the fact our President has won such a high honor! Well it is still a bone of content  and people say he has not earned it …where you listening when Fox was happy we did not get the Olympics? So sad we can not be a “WHOLE” and have to live in a world where the “ME” is more important that the community …like we could not have used that money here? Especially now especially here!!! Why would all people in the US not want to ahave the Olympics??? what is wrong with us????  Like Rio has such great record in human rights? …it is ok I am turning over a new leaf ..instead of ranting about not being able to understand I am going to accept the fact there is a deep seeded insantiy in this country and hopefully show empathy and love to everyone I come in contact with (and honestly if I do not leave the house other than to go to work or talk to anyone who does not agree with me or listen to the news ..I should be ok right? Just keep fighting quietly for what I believe in and move from there …

as somone who wants to live in peace in my world I am going to mantra the word “Accept it not try to understand it”  

please enjoy  and sing along with me if you are so inclined

As I walk through
This wicked world
Searchin for light in the darkness of insanity.

I ask myself
Is all hope lost?
Is there only pain and hatred, and misery?

And each time I feel like this inside,
Theres one thing I wanna know:
Whats so funny bout peace love & understanding? ohhhh
Whats so funny bout peace love & understanding?

And as I walked on
Through troubled times
My spirit gets so downhearted sometimes
So where are the strong
And who are the trusted?
And where is the harmony?
Sweet harmony.

cause each time I feel it slippin away, just makes me wanna cry.
Whats so funny bout peace love & understanding? ohhhh
Whats so funny bout peace love & understanding?

So where are the strong?
And who are the trusted?
And where is the harmony?
Sweet harmony.

cause each time I feel it slippin away, just makes me wanna cry.
Whats so funny bout peace love & understanding? ohhhh
Whats so funny bout peace love & understanding? ohhhh
Whats so funny bout peace love & understanding?

Peace, love, understanding..not funny just a very serious family value ….
thanks for listening
your liberal, pinko, socialist, commie, left winged wacko who really does care what happens to all of you inspite of you …
Published in: on October 11, 2009 at 4:29 pm  Leave a Comment  

it is October

I just crammed all these in ..I so admire people who take beautiful pitures and make lovely lay outs ..but as you can see from all the grass and weeds I have in my plants garden is kind of like this blog!

please enjoy  



IMG_4618Drake Maiden gave me this thank you!!! it is blooming if you look under the leaves! Very pretty!IMG_4616I always think this maple dies in the looks so bad!IMG_4609IMG_4607IMG_4606IMG_4602IMG_4600IMG_4599IMG_4597IMG_4595IMG_4593IMG_4591IMG_4590IMG_4589IMG_4579IMG_4580IMG_4582IMG_4585IMG_4586
I love these perfect flowers





Published in: on October 4, 2009 at 9:17 pm  Leave a Comment  

Chipmunk Day and a box of plants from Central Florida

Papa helps open the box

Papa helps open the box

what is this?

what is this?

wow look at this! everything is a surprise!!!!

wow look at this! everything is a surprise!!!!

I love this child and his intensity :)

I love this child and his intensity 🙂

finding new digs for each of the plants and settling them in

finding new digs for each of the plants and settling them in

time to move them to their new home from the South East to the Northwest

time to move them to their new home from the South East to the Northwest

moved in to the mock green house to settle in with the new homies ..nice big drink of water!

moved in to the mock green house to settle in with the new homies ..nice big drink of water!

:) the chipmunk needed a little water too

🙂 the chipmunk needed a little water too

thanks so much Joe we really enjoyed this!

Published in: on October 2, 2009 at 12:46 pm  Comments (2)